Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Thrill of Dreams

Spent the last two days at the Columbus Writers Conference where I always have a great time. There is so much energy in the room where kindred spirits meet, discuss their passions, exchange business cards, and then move on to the next person. The energy there is similar to a freshman orientation at college or maybe the first week of college where you are still absorbing everything, enjoying meeting everyone and classes haven’t started yet… so there is nothing but time to discuss your dreams, socialize, and maybe make a few new friends. I have a slew of business cards of people I’ve met, things that I need to follow-up on, and work to get done (the site needs to be up and running within the next 24-hours... ARRRRRGGGH!!!).

I also met a couple of wonderful agents who I will keep in touch with. Both seemed to really like my next project idea: The 15-Minute Writer: How to Achieve Your Writing Dreams in Just 15 Minutes a Day, and this has given me the kick in the ass that I needed to get going on the book proposal that I've been too busy to start. They both loved my marketing idea for the book, which is to show how I wrote this book in 15-minute chunks of time and tracking it on a blog from the beginning of the project. Granted I’m not at ground zero, as far as starting the whole thing, but there is a lot of work that needs to be done, and I can do it… 15-minutes at a time. Check it out at

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